Source code for junitparser.xunit2

The flavor based on Jenkins xunit plugin:

According to the internet, the schema is compatible with:

- Pytest (as default, though it also supports a "legacy" xunit1 flavor)
- Erlang/OTP
- Maven Surefire
- CppTest

There may be many others that I'm not aware of.

import itertools
from typing import List, TypeVar
from . import junitparser

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class JUnitXml(junitparser.JUnitXml): # Pytest and xunit schema doesn't have "skipped" in testsuites skipped = None
[docs] def update_statistics(self): """Update test count, time, etc.""" time = 0 tests = failures = errors = 0 for suite in self: suite.update_statistics() tests += suite.tests failures += suite.failures errors += suite.errors time += suite.time self.tests = tests self.failures = failures self.errors = errors self.time = round(time, 3)
[docs] class TestSuite(junitparser.TestSuite): """TestSuite for Pytest, with some different attributes.""" group = junitparser.Attr() id = junitparser.Attr() package = junitparser.Attr() file = junitparser.Attr() log = junitparser.Attr() url = junitparser.Attr() version = junitparser.Attr() def __iter__(self): return itertools.chain( super().iterchildren(TestCase), (case for suite in super().iterchildren(TestSuite) for case in suite), ) @property def system_out(self): """<system-out>""" elem = self.child(junitparser.SystemOut) if elem is not None: return elem.text return None @system_out.setter def system_out(self, value: str): """<system-out>""" out = self.child(junitparser.SystemOut) if out is not None: out.text = value else: out = junitparser.SystemOut(value) self.append(out) @property def system_err(self): """<system-err>""" elem = self.child(junitparser.SystemErr) if elem is not None: return elem.text return None @system_err.setter def system_err(self, value: str): """<system-err>""" err = self.child(junitparser.SystemErr) if err is not None: err.text = value else: err = junitparser.SystemErr(value) self.append(err)
[docs] class StackTrace(junitparser.System): _tag = "stackTrace"
[docs] class RerunType(junitparser.Result): _tag = "rerunType" @property def stack_trace(self): """<stackTrace>""" elem = self.child(StackTrace) if elem is not None: return elem.text return None @stack_trace.setter def stack_trace(self, value: str): """<stackTrace>""" trace = self.child(StackTrace) if trace is not None: trace.text = value else: trace = StackTrace(value) self.append(trace) @property def system_out(self): """<system-out>""" elem = self.child(junitparser.SystemOut) if elem is not None: return elem.text return None @system_out.setter def system_out(self, value: str): """<system-out>""" out = self.child(junitparser.SystemOut) if out is not None: out.text = value else: out = junitparser.SystemOut(value) self.append(out) @property def system_err(self): """<system-err>""" elem = self.child(junitparser.SystemErr) if elem is not None: return elem.text return None @system_err.setter def system_err(self, value: str): """<system-err>""" err = self.child(junitparser.SystemErr) if err is not None: err.text = value else: err = junitparser.SystemErr(value) self.append(err)
[docs] class RerunFailure(RerunType): _tag = "rerunFailure"
[docs] class RerunError(RerunType): _tag = "rerunError"
[docs] class FlakyFailure(RerunType): _tag = "flakyFailure"
[docs] class FlakyError(RerunType): _tag = "flakyError"
[docs] class TestCase(junitparser.TestCase): group = junitparser.Attr() def _rerun_results(self, _type: T) -> List[T]: elems = self.iterchildren(_type) results = [] for elem in elems: results.append(_type.fromelem(elem)) return results
[docs] def rerun_failures(self): """<rerunFailure>""" return self._rerun_results(RerunFailure)
[docs] def rerun_errors(self): """<rerunError>""" return self._rerun_results(RerunError)
[docs] def flaky_failures(self): """<flakyFailure>""" return self._rerun_results(FlakyFailure)
[docs] def flaky_errors(self): """<flakyError>""" return self._rerun_results(FlakyError)
[docs] def add_rerun_result(self, result: RerunType): """Append a rerun result to the testcase. A testcase can have multiple rerun results.""" self.append(result)